Breach of Contract in Israel

By: Adv. Eli Shimony

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship. In Israel, contracts are governed by the Contract Law of 1973 and are enforceable by the courts. However, when one party fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined in the contract, it is considered a breach of contract. In this article, we will explore the legal implications of a breach of contract in Israel and what steps can be taken to resolve such disputes.

Definition of Breach of Contract.

A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined in the agreement. This can include failing to deliver goods or services, failing to pay an agreed-upon amount, or violating confidentiality provisions. A breach of contract can have serious consequences, including financial loss, damage to reputation, and the end of the contractual relationship.

Remedies for Breach of Contract in Israel.

In Israel, there are several remedies available for breach of contract, including monetary damages, specific performance, and termination of the contract.

Monetary Damages.

The most common remedy for breach of contract is monetary damages. This involves compensating the non-breaching party for any losses they have suffered as a result of the breach. Monetary damages can include compensation for lost profits, expenses incurred due to the breach, and any other losses resulting from the breach.

Specific Performance.

Specific performance is a remedy that requires the breaching party to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract. This remedy is used when monetary damages are not sufficient to remedy the breach, such as in cases where the contract involves the delivery of unique goods or services.

Termination of Contract.

Termination of the contract is another remedy for breach of contract in Israel. This remedy allows either party to terminate the agreement if the other party breaches a material term of the contract. The non-breaching party must give notice of the breach and provide a reasonable amount of time for the breaching party to remedy the situation before terminating the contract.

Procedure for Resolving Breach of Contract Disputes.

In Israel, disputes over breach of contract are typically resolved through negotiation or in the courts.


The first step in resolving a breach of contract dispute is often to try to reach a resolution through negotiation. This can involve the parties communicating directly or through their respective attorneys. Negotiations can lead to a resolution that is acceptable to both parties, such as a payment plan or modification of the terms of the contract.


If negotiation is unsuccessful, the next step is to resolve the dispute through the courts. The first step in the litigation process is to file a claim with the court. The claim must include a description of the breach and the damages suffered as a result. The court will then schedule a hearing, where both parties will have the opportunity to present their case and argue their position.


Breach of contracts is a serious issue in Israel and can have serious consequences for the parties involved. It is important to understand the remedies available for breach of contract and the procedure for resolving disputes. Whether through negotiation or litigation, it is essential to take the necessary steps to protect your rights and resolve the dispute in a manner that is fair and just for all parties involved.

Eli Shimony – Israeli law firm represents clients on all legal matters in Israel. For any questions please contact us and we will be happy to assist.
By email: [email protected], By phone: +972-52-2769773, +972-3-5507155.
The above is only general information and does not replace legal advice which is usually necessary before taking legal proceedings.


Adv. Eli Shimony

Attorney Eli Shimony holds a bachelor's degree in law (LL.B) and a master's degree in business administration (MBA), brings a broad legal knowledge in his areas of expertise. In addition, attorney Shimony holds a wide range of professional certifications in the fields of civil law, banking, compliance, intellectual property, corporate law and more... Attorney Shimony's main areas of practice: Civil and Commercial Litigation, Class actions, Mediation and Arbitration, Intellectual Property, Companies, Real estate, Wills and Inheritances, Monetary claims, Crypto Currencies, Banking, Compliance and Investments.

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