Writing a Will in Israel: How to Do It Right & Avoid Errors

By: Adv. Eli Shimony

Writing a will is a crucial part of estate planning. In Israel, it is important to understand the legal process for creating a valid will and the potential consequences of making mistakes.

This article will provide an overview of the process of writing a will in Israel and offer some tips for avoiding errors.

What Should You Include When Writing a Will in Israel?

Writing a will in Israel is a complex process, as there are many legal considerations to take into account. Here is a list of things to include when writing a will in Israel.

1. Beneficiaries.

A will must clearly identify the beneficiaries of the estate. In most cases, the beneficiaries should be family members, but they can also be friends or charities. It is important to list the full names and addresses of each beneficiary.

2. Executor.

An executor is responsible for carrying out the instructions in the will. The executor should be someone trusted and reliable, such as a family member or a lawyer.

3. Property.

A will must include a list of all the property that is being left to the beneficiaries. This includes all real estate, financial accounts, investments, and other possessions. It is important to provide accurate descriptions and values for each item.

4. Gifts.

In addition to leaving property to beneficiaries, a will can also include gifts of cash or other items. These gifts should be clearly specified in the will, including the full names and addresses of the recipients.

5. Powers of Attorney.

Powers of attorney allow you to appoint someone to act on your behalf in the event of your death. This person can be responsible for managing your estate, making financial decisions, and other tasks.

6. Trusts.

Trusts can be set up in a will to provide for the care of children or other dependents. It is important to include the details of the trust, such as the trustees, beneficiaries, and the terms of the trust.

7. Funeral Arrangements

A will can include instructions for funeral arrangements, such as burial or cremation. It is essential to include details of the funeral service, such as the location and date.

8. Witnesses.

A witness is required to sign the will in order for it to be legally valid. The witness should be someone who is not a beneficiary of the will.

What Are Possible Errors to Watch Out for When Writing a Will in Israel?

It is vital to ensure that your will is written correctly to avoid any potential errors or complications. Here are some of the most common errors to watch out for when writing a will in Israel.

1. Not Following Local Laws and Regulations.

All wills must adhere to the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which they are created. In Israel, the laws governing wills differ in each region and can be quite complex. It is important to ensure that all of the terms of the will are in compliance with local laws and regulations to avoid any potential complications.

2. Not Naming an Executor.

An executor is a person responsible for carrying out the terms of the will after the death of the testator. It is important to name an executor in the will, as this will ensure that the will is properly executed.

3. Not Updating the Will.

As life circumstances change, it is important to update the will to reflect any changes in the testator’s wishes. Failing to update the will can lead to confusion or disputes over the distribution of assets.

Final Thoughts.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your will is written correctly and legally valid in Israel. It is also important to consult an attorney who is familiar with the laws of your region to ensure that your will is written correctly.

Do you need legal services in Israel? Let our team at Eli Shimony Law Office help. We offer our expertise in various legal matters in Israel, including preparing wills. Contact us now for more information.

Eli Shimony – Israeli law firm represents clients on all legal matters in Israel. For any questions please contact us and we will be happy to assist.
By email: [email protected], By phone: +972-52-2769773, +972-3-5507155.
The above is only general information and does not replace legal advice which is usually necessary before taking legal proceedings.


Adv. Eli Shimony

Attorney Eli Shimony holds a bachelor's degree in law (LL.B) and a master's degree in business administration (MBA), brings a broad legal knowledge in his areas of expertise. In addition, attorney Shimony holds a wide range of professional certifications in the fields of civil law, banking, compliance, intellectual property, corporate law and more... Attorney Shimony's main areas of practice: Civil and Commercial Litigation, Class actions, Mediation and Arbitration, Intellectual Property, Companies, Real estate, Wills and Inheritances, Monetary claims, Crypto Currencies, Banking, Compliance and Investments.

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